Disobedient Art School

17 & 18 December 2022, 10:00–19:00 / Casco HQ
RSVP here. There is a capacity of 40 people.
€32 (regular) / €45 (supporter) / €22 (supported). Prices include lunch/coffee/tea/snacks

The Disobedient Art School is excited to invite you to a gathering full of workshops where we will explore and share embodied, spiritual, artistic, and activist practices that support our paths towards liberation and connection.

The gathering centres healing, repair and joy through de/anti-colonial methodologies that connect our bodies/spirits with the Earth and each other. The programme includes: 

  • a ‘somatic world-travelling’ workshop, where we learn to understand and inhabit the plurality of experience,
  • a ‘body-territory’ session exploring an ancestral concept that affirms the continuum between bodies and territories,
  • speculative fiction to engage in collective world-building,
  • a street performance workshop and actual performance,
  • a healing circle,
  • a lot more and enough time and space to play and get to know each other.

The workshops will build upon participants’ own experiences and help them access places where deeper wisdom and resilience might have been stashed away. From that place of power, we can acquire new skills and tools that enable us to liberate ourselves and each other from oppressive conditioning.

Who is this for?

We hope to welcome practitioners navigating the multiple intersections between cultural work, art, collective healing and queering, decolonial practice, radical pedagogy and troublemaking witchcraft. Experience in and affinity with some of these combinations is preferred.

About the Facilitators 

The programme is designed by Ying Que, Hodan Warsame, David Limaverde and Teresa Borasino. Workshop trainers include Nuraini Juliastuti, Pau(la) Chaves Bonilla, Dizzi Geetha, Mitchi Saturay, Betina Abi Habib and Gizem Üstüner.

The weekend is semi-public and organized in affinity as a learning and sharing space for peers, friends and comrades. It’s also a test site for a possible future curriculum that can help us pass on liberatory practices to the next generations.

About the Disobedient Art School 

This gathering is the second event of the Disobedient Art School, a new pedagogical framework initiated by Fossil Free Culture NL. The Disobedient Art School is an evolving, co-created framework for collective learning through embodied and spiritual knowledges and practices. During the past year, a group of artist-activists, educators and cultural workers have gathered to think/feel a ‘school’ that weaves disobedience, art, decoloniality and liberatory pedagogies together. An alternative art school that resists the commercial, individualist and extractive logic of the art education markets –no easy feat! How can we build infrastructures of care and solidarity within an educational framework? How can we learn differently while taking care of colonial wounds? These are some of the questions the group is exploring.


Please register before Tuesday 6 December by filling in this short survey. We can only offer room for 40 participants. If we receive more registrations than spaces we can host, we’d need to select candidates according to their affinity with the values and themes of the gathering: decoloniality, queer liberation, art/activism, disobedience and cultural/creative resistance. Click this link to register. We’ll send you a payment link upon confirmation.

Accessibility Note 

Due to the steps leading up to the entrance and the building’s internal staircases, Casco is not wheelchair accessible. They are working towards making Casco an accessible space for wheelchair users in the future. Do you have any other access requirements or needs you would like us to be aware of please email teresa@fossilfreeculture.nl

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