6 June–7 September 2014 / Malmö

Having closed in Stockholm, the Grand Domestic Revolution GOES ON once again and takes its library with it — to Malmö! The library is a growing collection of over 200 books, documents, and films considered to be “revolutionary” tools concerning domestic labor, organizing, artistic and architectural methods of participation and cooperation, feminism, alternative economies, philosophical inquiries into community, and feminist utopian science fiction. The growing selection of titles is shared with the public attending A Voice of One’s Own – On Women’s Fight for Suffrage and Human Recognition (6 June–7 September 2014) at Malmö Konstmuseum.

This exhibition reflects on the struggle for women’s suffrage, specifically picking up on The Swedish Women’s Exhibition in Malmö 1914 in order to take in strategies to enhance gender equality. Stop by if you’re in the neighborhood, or take a closer look at the GDR booklist.

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