Study Meeting: Rizvana Bradley & Affective Communities

27 May 2019, 18:00–21:00
Casco HQ
The language for this event is English.
The Study Meeting is free to attend. Visit the website to see our latest Access Note for Casco Art Institute.

A crucial part of lived sociality, interpersonal relations—at the levels of affective, social-economic, and material support and care—inform our work and well being, our personal and professional lives, revealing these to be constitutive rather than mutually exclusive horizons of experience. 

The fourth Study Meeting at Casco Art Institute invites the public to consider interdependency as a necessary ethical principle for thinking of inter-communal alliances. As a main premise of Poetics of Living, one of Casco’s study lines around art and the commons, we will explore the potential of what we call “poetics” for thinking about relationality as means without end in our contemporary moment.

The Study Meeting will begin with art historian and curator Rizvana Bradley who, together with Casco curator Staci Bu Shea, will introduce the web of thought that informs Poetics of Living, including the constellation of artists and artworks that make it possible to think other ways of living and making together.

Joined by Rosemarie Buikema and Kathrin Theile, as well as other faculty, students, and collaborators of the Gender Studies programme and Terra Critica, the discussion also takes and extends the history of the Affective Community, the name for the ongoing collaborative relationship between Casco Art Institute, the Gender Studies programme of Utrecht University, Terra Critica, and the artists, scholars and cultural practitioners who have been involved. Already existing relational practices of care and mutual aid do not need new names but, emphasize the imperative of maintaining and deepening our shared vocabularies of understanding them in order to renew them.

About Study Meetings

Every season, Casco Art Institute organizes Study Meetings to focus on core questions arising from its web of study lines on the commons and related art practices. Together with relevant stakeholders in the respective study line, the group studies a question and creates resources that can be used beyond the study room! In this context, study is defined as collective, critically constructive and non-disciplinary forms of learning and unlearning; it enables but also is enabled by artistic practices; and it is a core form of commoning towards affirming life and our ways of living together.


With art historian and curator Rizvana Bradley and the Affective Community

Organized by Staci Bu Shea in collaboration with the Gender Studies program of Utrecht University and Terra Critica

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