Travelling Farm Museum Tours 2022

4 June–20 August 2022, starting 14:00 on Saturdays / Hof van Bern 33, Leidsche Rijn, Utrecht
RSVP via (mention your name and the tour)
For other forms of access towards the sites, send an email to the TFM team

This summer, for the third year in a row, the Travelling Farm Museum will be touring Leidsche Rijn and you are invited! The Travelling Farm Museum of Forgotten Skills is a mini-museum on wheels that teaches you all about the history of Leidsche Rijn and its ‘forgotten skills’ regarding agriculture and food production. A participatory mobile museum that explores agricultural heritage in Leidsche Rijn to cultivate knowledge and skills for ecological, resilient forms of living together.

Do you want to get to know local producers from our neighborhood? Would you like to buy directly from the farmer(s)? Want to know what’s being cultivated in the area? Then get on your bike a sunny summer Saturday afternoon! Don’t ride to the supermarket, but join us to visit a local farmer in your area.

For continuous updates on the tours, please visit the @travellingfarmmuseum Instagram!

Tour program 2022

4 June: RoodNoot with Alexandra (pony and horse care farm)
11 June: Boerderij de Koepel, Harmelen with Avan Omar and Ali Authman
25 June: 14:00 Jan Van Eyck open studios, Maastricht
2 July: The Grand Tour of Leidsche Rijn (visiting many farms in the neighborhood)
9 July: Vrijstaat collaboration with Chantal van Lieshout. A workshop for children aged 7 onward, with professional guidance. There is a capacity for 15
16 July & 23 July: no tours due to holiday
30 July: tour in collaboration with Historische Vereniging: from Oude Rijn to Leidsche Rijn
6 & 13 August: Voedselbos Haarzuilens workshop tour with artists Manne Heijman and Afke Huitema. A workshop for children aged 7 onward, with professional guidance. There is a capacity for 15
20 August: Birdwatching with Merel and Jos Zwarts
? September: De Oogst van Utrecht during Leidsche Rijn food-feest (information to follow)

We invite you to go on tour with our mobile installation. Every tour we gather at 14:00 at Hof van Bern 33, Leidsche Rijn Centrum, Utrecht. Bring your bike!

You can register by sending an email to stating your name and the tour.

This activity is part of:

A European level cooperation project of workshops, residencies, and publishing for researching and promoting resilient cultural practices and tools.

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