Kathrin Böhm: Art on the Scale of Life
Collective Reading Sessions on 5, 12, and 20 April 2024, 16:00–18:00 + Publication Launch on 1 May 2024, 18:00–21:00 / Casco HQ, Lange Nieuwstraat 7, Utrecht We are delighted to announce Kathrin Böhm’s publication launch program upcoming at Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons in April and May! Kathrin’s visit provides a public platform to […]
Kunstlicht launch
20 January 2024, 15:00–17:00 / Casco HQ Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons welcomes Kunstlicht for the launch of their new issue: BETWEEN THE STANDING AND THE INCLINED: STRUCTURES SUPPORTING CHANGE (Vol. 44, N. 4) What is the inclined? Why support structures? And how can these help us speak about change—(because, yes, we […]
Enfleshed: Ecologies of Entities and Beings
10 June 2023, 14:00–17:00 / Casco HQ With German Popov, Han Xiaohan, Kristiina Koskentola, Marjolein van der Loo, Müge Yilmaz, Nikolay Smirnov, Rick Dolphijn, and Zoenie Deng. We would like to warmly invite you to a gathering to celebrate and discuss the recently published book Enfleshed: Ecologies of Entities and Beings. Evolving from the multifaceted research exhibition Enfleshed–Elaborated (2020) […]
Seed of Memory by Weaving Realities
11 March 2023, 15:00–17:00 / Casco HQ We invite you to the launch event of the recipe booklet Seed of Memory by Weaving Realities Collective, who have been gathering and reenacting ancestral recipes since 2017. In this launch event, there will be a conversation and a short video about the recipes reenacted in this booklet. We would like […]
Letter to a Silk Road by Marjolijn Boterenbrood
7 September 2022, 19:00 / Casco HQ For the launch of the artist book Letter to a Silk Road there will be an outdoor installation/exhibition for one summery evening, as well as a presentation and discussion in our office. We will walk around the installation made of components of the book, and listen to the stories by its maker Marjolijn Boterenbrood regarding […]
A Well Respected Woman or Room of Echoes book launch
13 May 2011 / AmsterdamBook launch for A Well Respected Man or Book of Echoes taking place in the framework of the program Books@Temporary Stedelijk 2 at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (Paulus Potterstraat 13, Amsterdam)Reservation is required. This event marks the launch of the publication A Well Respected Man or Book of Echoes. The book, edited […]
seeing studies workshops and book release
19–22 January 2011 / Casco HQLanguage: English and Farsi (translations provided) Location: Casco (Nieuwekade 213-215) and the nearby Casco GDR apartment (Bemuurde Weerd oz 18 b, Utrecht) In order to attend, please make a reservation with Cindy. seeing studies Natascha Sadr Haghighian & Ashkan Sepahvand for the institute for incongruous translation Casco invites you to four days […]
Come Alive! Case Reopened: Group Material
27 May 2010, 19:00–20:30 / UtrechtThis event takes place at Kargadoor, Oudegracht 36, Utrecht. Casco, along with Four Corners Books, invites you to take part in the second event in the series Come Alive!. We’re launching the book Show and Tell: A Chronicle of Group Material, the first monograph on the New York based artists’ […]
Circular Facts launch
24 April 2010, 15:00–16:00 / Casco HQ On 24 April at 15:00 at Casco – an interval during Hurt Locker Instruments – the launching event of Circular Facts takes place with an introduction by Binna Choi, Mai Abu Eldahab and Emily Pethick, the directors of the three initiating institutions. Circular Facts is a collaborative endeavor […]
Publishing As Performance
21 June 2009, 14:00–18:00 / UtrechtBook launch of The Publications Project 2009 by the Dutch Art Institute Boat tours every 30 min. Limited seats. Reservation recommended (jakob@cascoprojects.org). For more information, please check our website or contact Delphine Bedel and Gabriëlle Schleijpen. Succeeding the last year edition at Casco, we are happy to host the book launch event […]
A Possible Guide to Meeting Utrecht: (Self-Organized) Gathering Spots
25 February 2009 / Utrecht Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory is pleased to invite you to a presentation of a new map of the city of Utrecht and a tour, drawn from a critical interpretation of the urban culture by a group of students from HKU (Natascha Boel, Kim Eggens, Nelleke van […]
An abstract plane for gatherings
6 February 2009, 19:00 / Casco HQ Processes of participation consist of a series of meetings or gatherings. How can the history of gatherings be written, and what are the specific modes of contemporary meeting practice? How do such meetings influence the present-day state of governance, and what kinds of gatherings can produce a setting […]
The Publications Project 2008
13 July 2008 / Casco HQ Book launch & public discussion 13 July 16:00–22:00 at Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory The Publications Project 2008 is a collaboration between the Dutch Art Institute in Enschede and the Werkplaats Typografie in Arnhem, mediated by Emily Pethick (former director of Casco). Instead of the brief exposure […]
You can’t judge a book by its cover
6 October 2007, 14:00–18:00 / Casco HQSymposium and launch of Another Publication Another Publication is a book project around the manifold perspectives on otherness. Twelve writers were invited to write a preface to a possible book on the “other.” Together, these trace different identifications and applications of the term, such as collaboration, love, aesthetics, institutional […]
Casco Issues #8 – Multiplicity at Kunstvlaai 5
The description for this activity is currently only available in Dutch.
Publishing Class II – book kiosk & launch
26 September 2011–7 July 2012 / Arnhem The Publishing Class kiosk and book launch take place in the context of the Finissage (from 11:00 to 20:00) of the DAI academic year with a one-day exhibition with works by DAI students curated by Grant Watson as well as a group performance led by artist Ian White. […]
Commerce by Artists
15–16 February 2012, 19:00 / Casco HQDe Rooie Rat, Oudegracht 65, Utrecht (5 min away from Casco) Casco organizes the book launch of Commerce by Artists published by Art Metropole, with editor and artist Luis Jacob. The book investigates the ways artists have been enacting commercial transactions through their work over the last few decades. […]
COHAB Launch
11 October 2013 / Various locations The project consists of a series of four “keynote” artists’ productions; local “action research” projects led by each organization involving artist’s projects that will be developed with the participation of communities who share the concerns of the project. It also connects with the activities of Cluster, a wider network […]
Publishing Class talk with Gwen Allen & picnic book launch
18 October 2013–19 October 2013 / UtrechtCasco office (Nieuwekade 213) and Casco Storefront (Voorstraat 88) Together with the Dutch Art Institute (DAI) MFA/Artez, we gladly invite you to join us for a talk with art historian Gwen Allen as well as a fall picnic book launch with Hanan Benammar, Aziza Harmel, Maja Hodošcek, Isabel Marcos, […]
Publishing in Process. Ownership in Question
30 November 2013, 14:00–17:00 / Casco HQFree entrance. Please RSVP by sending an e-mail to Sanne Oorthuizen. Workshop and Undoing Property book launch with Marysia Lewandowska and Laurel Ptak After Stockholm, London, and Berlin, Undoing Property?, a book and project by London-based artist Marysia Lewandowska and New York-based curator Laurel Ptak lands in Utrecht. The […]
Casco and Arts Collaboratory working together!
5 December 2013 / Worldwide It is our great pleasure to announce that Casco has joined the team as associate partner at Arts Collaboratory, a platform for transnational exchange and cooperation made up of over 20 arts organizations from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. The mission of Arts Collaboratory is to promote […]
The Commons Manifesto – lecture and book launch with Michel Bauwens
23 May 2019, 19:00–21:30 / UtrechtLanguage: EnglishLocation: University of Humanistic Studies (room 1.40), Kromme Nieuwegracht 29, Utrecht Peer to Peer makes public fifteen years of vision and research of the P2P Foundation. Across any field you work in, be it art or not, we are certain that the possibilities of P2P for the commons must […]
Unlearning Exercises book launch & DARK ENERGY
17 May 2019, 17:00 / ViennaXhibit, Academy of Fine Art Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 11, ViennaLanguage: English Unlearning Exercises, launches at Xhibit, the exhibition space of the Academy of Fine Art Vienna with two of the book co-editors Annette Krauss and Yolande van der Heide. Also on view is an installation of Site for Unlearning (Art Organization) […]
Launch of Boekman #118
04 April 2019, 16:00–18:00Casco HQ The language of this event is Dutch. On the 4th of April we launch the new issue of Boekman, #118: Kunst en maatschappelijk experiment (Art & societal experiment), on art and societal experiment, culture commons, the avant-garde artist and civil initiatives.
Study Meeting with Pascal Gielen and Nico Dockx & “Commonism: A New Aesthetics of the Real”
30 November 2018, 19:00–21:00 / Casco HQ What does art do for the commons? Are there particular art forms and aesthetics of the commons? “What artistic strategies and what aesthetics do commoners adopt?” Does the term commonism, as a “possible new, practice-based ideology of the commons,” lay the groundwork for “new aesthetics for the real”? […]
365 Days of Work Bilderkritik & Book launch
9 December 2017, 14:00–19:00 / Casco HQThe event is free but has limited capacity. If you would like to join, please contact us with a brief motivation. With the opening of Army of Love and The Library of Unread Books behind us – warm thanks to all those who came – we’ve organized a two-part event […]
Words From The Land (INLAND x Erfgoed)
22 July 2017, 10:00–18:00 / Leidsche Rijn On Saturday 22 July 2017 at Erfgoed we celebrate the launch of Words from the Land, a storytelling project that delves into the agrarian histories of Hof ter Weyde. “Currently the farmhouse sits empty, arrested in time between the past and present. You may wonder why this old-fashioned […]
(Un)usual Business Festival: Gat in de Markt
11 September 2016, 12:00–17:00 / Casco HQ Festival of alternative economies at Casco (Un)usual Business (UB) warmly invites you to their festival Gat in de Markt [“gap in the market”]. Gat in de Markt is a festival for and by commoners – people who have taken control over their daily lives and found ways to […]
INLAND Nederland Gathering
4 June 2016, 10:00–21:00 / Sonsbeek Park, Arnhem “on un/common ground” With contributions by Yvonne Billimore, artist at Scottish Sculpture Workshop, Aberdeenshire; Raphael Daibert, LGBT activist, Free Home University, Lecce and program coordinator of Lanchonete.org, Sao Paulo; Guus Geurts, a member of VoedselAnders and Platform Aarde Boer Consument, Nijmegen; Helen Kranstauber, curator of Agri Meets […]
Books of Change—GDR Handbook to We Are Here Cooking
14 February 2015, 19:00 / Casco HQ If you are interested in cooking and collectivity in relation to publishing, please join us! The event is free but reservations are highly recommended for the party. On the day of the event, the Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook will be available at a special price. The Grand Domestic […]