24 April 2020
Dear all,
The “social > physical distancing” measures continue (to varying degrees), as does the uncertain, fragile, and unknown nature of our time. Like others, this has certainly affected the Casco program. Our building by the tranquil courtyard Abraham Dolehof is host to the first chapter of the exhibition Common Grounds: Story / Heritage, where now only ghosts and birds visit through the windows, since closed less than a week after the opening. A series of monthly public tours with the Travelling Farm Museum of Forgotten Skills, a sequel to our activities at the Terwijde Farmhouse in Utrecht’s Leidsche Rijn, have been put on hold after the first gathering on a bright sunny day in March. Thanks again to all who joined us for our last two in-person gatherings.
Grappling with and reaching for “Intimacy without Proximity” – which is the last dispatch of the image-message by Taeyoon – we would like to share with you the upcoming program as we have adjusted it, after reviewing its resonance and relevance under the COVID-19 pandemic. Please check our program menu to find more information on our adapted program.
Hope to see you one way or another in the coming weeks.
Warm wishes to you all,
The Casco Team with Asia (The Outsiders), Bart, Clementine (editor), David (design), Jumana, Kanitha, Leonardo (The Outsiders), Merel, Sun Chang, Taeyoon, Txell (The Outsiders)