Opening & Uncommon Festival of The Commons

1 May–3 May 2014 / Casco HQ
This Thursday 1 May, International Labor Day, Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory opens the exhibition New Habits and its new space situated alongside a beautiful courtyard in Utrecht’s museum quarter and housed in a former school building on the site of an old convent. We welcome you, our colleagues, collaborators, families, previous and present neighbors, co-workers, and old and new friends to be our special guests on this joyous occasion and to join the opening of the three-day festival, Every Mode of Doing Needs Commons: An Uncommon Festival of the Common(s)

Opening New Habits, 18:00 

We open our new space with an exhibition, New Habits, and speeches by Casco’s board member and artist Wendelien van Oldenborgh, sociologist and political scientist Merijn Oudenampsen, and director Binna Choi. The opening is also celebrated with a “heavenly blue” fashion-show-cum-procession organized by Casco’s former and current Artists at Work, respectfully, Christian Nyampeta and Aimée Zito Lema. 

Opening Festival 

Every Mode of Doing Needs Commons: An Uncommon Festival of the Common(s)
1 May, 21:00–23:00 & 2–3 May, 11:00–21:00

Ayreen Anastas and Rene Gabri are responsible for the title of the festival and its initial care, but its continuation is the collective work and un-work of all those who will take part and contribute. Rather than oriented towards the production of distinct events, the festival is composed of several time-spaces, each of which are collective attempts on the part of those involved who contribute thoughts, movements, processes, and relations to and embodiments of the common(s). 

There is a planning meeting for all who are interested in caring for these time-spaces on the evening of Wednesday 30 April at 18:30 hrs at Casco’s old location, Nieuwekade 213-215, 3511 RW Utrecht. To take part, please r.s.v.p. For further information please visit 

Opening Program, 1 May 2014 

Delicious vegan food by Martina Bovini, Asia Komarova, and Mari Pitkanen 

18:00 Opening of New Habits 
18:30 Speeches by board member and artist Wendelien van Oldenborgh, sociologist and political scientist Merijn Oudenampsen, and Casco director Binna Choi 
19:00 Models, Manners and Prayers, fashion show by Christian Nyampeta and Aimée Zito Lema 
20:30 Procession to Labre, Plompetorengracht 8, Utrecht 
21:00 Every Mode of Doing Needs Commons, a cinema event by Ayreen Anastas and Rene Gabri hosted at Labre, Plompetorengracht 8, Utrecht Following the exhibition opening Every Mode of Doing Needs Commons: An Uncommon Festival of the Common(s) continues from 2–3 May 2014 from 11:00–21:00 daily with the full schedule announced at the opening on 1 May.


De lijst van deelnemers aan de opening van New Habits en het festival blijft groeien en omvat: kunstenaars Ayreen Anastas en Rene Gabri; Melanie Gilligan; Natascha Sadr Haghighian; Ienke Kastelein; Annette Krauss; Aimée Zito Lema; Wietske Maas; Christian Nyampeta, alsmede socioloog en politicoloog Merijn Oudenampsen; kunsthistoricus Eric de Bruyn; architect Jesko Fezer; cultureel antropoloog Fabiola Jara Gomez; Casco bestuurslid, activist en filosoof Aetzel Griffioen; schrijver Sven Lütticken; filmmakers Silvia Maglioni en Graeme Thomson; filosoof Jos Scheren; curator Emily Pethick en organisaties als School of Missing Studies; STRO Social Trade Organization, Terra Critica, (Un)usual Business, en Casco.

Casco’s programma wordt mogelijk gemaakt met de financiële steun van de Gemeente Utrecht, het Mondriaan Fonds, Stichting DOEN en het K.F. Hein Fonds. New Habits heeft aanvullende steun gekregen van LG Electronics, Video Data Bank en Indyvideo. New Habits is georganiseerd in het kader van Practice International, een samenwerkingsverband met Iniva, Londen en Iaspis, Stockholm, met ondersteuning van het Cultuurprogramma van de Europese Unie.

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