23 May 2019, 19:00–21:30 / Utrecht
Language: English
Location: University of Humanistic Studies (room 1.40), Kromme Nieuwegracht 29, Utrecht
Peer to Peer makes public fifteen years of vision and research of the P2P Foundation. Across any field you work in, be it art or not, we are certain that the possibilities of P2P for the commons must come crucial and urgent to you. In order to draw your attention to this book and its launch in the Netherlands, Casco Art Institute would like to echo its opening remarks.
“What is peer to peer (P2P)? Why is it essential for building a commons-centric future? How could this happen? These are the questions we try to answer, by tying together four of its aspects:
1. P2P is a type of social relations in human networks, where participants have maximum freedom to connect.
2. P2P is also a technological infrastructure that makes the generalization and scaling up of such relations possible.
3. P2P thus enables a new mode of production and property.
4. P2P creates the potential for a transition to an economy that can be generative towards people and nature.”
You can download the book here. At the event you can buy the print copy.