Internationale Vrouwendag, 8 maart in Utrecht

Noteer 8 maart alvast in je agenda. Dit jaar wordt de Internationale Vrouwendag-demonstratie georganiseerd door een grote dynamische groep van lokale en transnationale activisten, kunstenaars, collectieven – van wie velen dicht bij ons staan – voor de rechten van vrouwen, transgenders en non-binaire mensen. Hierbij willen we de door hen gedeelde actie- en voorbereidende sessies delen. Sluit je aan de 8e en contact de organisatie als je geïnteresseerd bent om te helpen!

Bekijk de account waarmee ze communiceren: @iwdutrecht

”On the 8th of March we call you to demonstrate for the rights of women, transgender and non-binary people in Utrecht. The march will start at Justitiaplein and will continue through the city (additional information on the protest will follow in the next days). We need your help to make it possible.
Specific tasks include:
– Accessibility (can also be online!): help with the online portion of the event, distributing water and snacks, assisting people in wheelchairs, first aid, (etc.).
– Space keeping: usually located at the edges of the crowd, making sure the demonstration runs smoothly.
– Traffic: to stop the traffic when the crowd crosses the street. They are usually on bikes.

You do not need any previous experience, the jobs are easy and you will be buddied up with someone else. We will have a briefing before the demonstration to have you all caught up on the same page.

Where & When: Justitiaplein, 17:30 (come early for the volunteers briefing).

If you want to help us send us a message on Instagram @iwdutrecht and we will add you to a WhatsApp group with all the volunteers.”

Name Surname


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