Camp for Oppositional Architecture 2006

An Architektur looks for possible ways of resistance within the field of architecture and planning.

10 November–10 December 2006 / Casco HQ
Theorizing Architectural Resistance: 10–11 November 
Exhibition: 10 November-10 December, opening 10 November 9 pm 
For more information on the camp and exhibition, or to reserve a place, please contact Merel Willemsen.

The small part of the built environment that is subject to planning at all is almost completely controlled by the claims of capitalist utilization: globalized markets and cultures ask for commodified spaces, nation states and corporations require spectacular architectures for representative purposes, the multitude of consumer subjects demands room for individualized privacy. What’s left to do? 

Looking for possible ways of resistance within the field of architecture and planning, Berlin-based magazine An Architektur organized the first Camp for Oppositional Architecture in Berlin in 2004. They brought together practitioners and researchers who exchanged approaches and developed a common basis of discourse on the open idea of oppositional architecture. With the second camp, An Architektur now wants to further explore the theoretical grounds on which such projects could spread through a series of lectures and workshops. Speakers were selected through an open call. Both lectures and workshops are open to the public and free of charge and take place at Expodium, Boven Vredenburg 27, 3511 DL, Utrecht, the Netherlands. 

Join the Camp for Oppositional Architecture! 

Theorizing Architectural Resistance: 10–11 November 


Part I 

Friday, 17:00-21:00 
Tatjana Schneider + Jeremy Till (Sheffield), Alexander Levi + Amanda Schachter (Madrid), Maria Theodorou (Athens), Miguel Robles-Duran (Rotterdam), Craig Buckley (New York) 

Part II 

Saturday, 11:00–15:00
Ole W. Fischer (Zurich), BAVO (Rotterdam), Elisabeth Blum (Zurich), Markus Miessen (London) 
The camp is accompanied by an exhibition, which is on show at Casco from 10 November-10 December 2006. You are kindly invited to attend the opening on Friday 10 November, 9 pm. 

Camp Schedule: 

10 November, 17:00-21:00:  
Lectures (Part 1) 
All lectures place at Expodium, Boven Vredenburg 27, 3511 DL, Utrecht 
Tatjana Schneider + Jeremy Till, Sheffield  
Alternative Currents

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