13 March–27 May 2010 / Casco HQ
Come Alive! is a series of public and discursive events organized by Casco in the course of 2010 to create a conjuncture between Casco’s twentieth anniversary and contemporary artistic and social practices that attempt to constitute alternative forms of social existence and organization through critical engagement with our recent past. These events aim at excavating the archival remains of a number of collectively driven or self-organized initiatives, events and figures. The various critical and imaginative investigations into those instituted repositories of past endeavors are to be shared and examined in order to speculate on the common desire, similar/different strategies and their agencies both within the historical movements as well as under the present conditions, and in possible movements to come. In this series, archival archaeology is also an exercise in futurology. In the process, the relationship between Casco’s institutional practice and society will be reflected and rearticulated.