28 August–22 September 1996 / Casco HQ
Group exhibition on the theme of meeting. Three artists who do not know one another, but whose work shares common ground, exhibiting together. An installation on the rear wall by Heather Allen of magazine cuttings, drawings and texts; adoration and naiveté are alternated with criticism and cynicism sometimes reduced to a corny one-liner. At the opening the crowd is part of her beer-bottle sculpture. Stefano Pasquini displays a reconstruction of Aldo Moro who was murdered by the Red Brigade. A second documentary reconstruction on a monitor that is buried in supermarket products from the Italian COOP chain. Erik Wesselo shows the 16 mm film Backward, in which the artist teaches himself to ride a horse backwards. There is also a slide-show by him of visitors to the zoo, photographed with a polar bear.