23 September–29 October 2006 / Casco HQ and The Hague
In September 2006 Wendelien van Oldenborgh presents the third part of her ongoing project A Certain Brazilianness at Casco.
In the attempt to find an alternative mode of production, A Certain Brazilianness became the title of a multidisciplinary process, based on relations and resonances. From a heterogeneous Brazilian culture a number of significant strategies, partly stemming from the social sphere, have led to impressive moments of cultural production. As a way of working, A C_B__ transfers these possibilities to other areas and tries them out.
The central idiom is that of film. A C_B__ draws on the basic language and roles in a film production, using these to set up situations, which lead to new relations. Two performative stages have taken place so far, in which the participants became performers as well as viewers and listeners, creating the script and cinematic material during the event.
The third part uses a script built around stories from the years that Johan Maurits van Nassau was governor of the North East of Brazil (1637-1644), who has often been seen as an early modernist ruler. The script focuses on the paradoxes and inner conflicts produced within the art of governing, the institutions of the period, and personal relations at a moment when many different groups found themselves living together with clashing interests. It is staged and filmed at a live event in the Golden Room of the Mauritshuis, Den Haag (built during his period of government in Brazil), where a group of participants perform it and discuss its contents in relation to a present day situation.
Thursday 14 September
Public film shoot: Mauritshuis, den Haag, 1–4pm
Korte Vijverberg 8, NL 2513 AB Den Haag
The film shoot is open to the public, but the Mauritshuis’ standard entrance fee applies to all visitors.
Friday 22 September
Opening of installation at Casco, 6–9pm
Sunday 22 October, 5–8pm
Screening of final edit of the film, followed by conversation between Wendelien van Oldenborgh and Grant Watson
Location: Schiller Theater, Minrebroederstraat 11, 3512 GS Utrecht