Publish and be Damned

An exhibition and event series that examine experimental approaches to the making and distributing work of artists outside the commercial mainstream.

22 October–27 November 2005 / Casco HQ

Publish and be Damned examines individual and experimental approaches to the making and distributing work of artists, writers and musicians outside the commercial mainstream. Initiated by Cubitt in 2004 with a one-day self-publishing fair, its archive now includes over 100 international publications, including DIY fanzines, illustrated magazines, critical journals, glossy illustrated magazines, video compendia and independent music labels. 

Alongside the exhibition, Casco holds a series of weekend events in association with national and international artists, activists and theorists, including the Russian free newspaper Chto Delat?/What is to be done?, Starship (Berlin), a feminist publishing event with LTTR (New York), GLU (Amserdam), the London-based writer Amy Spencer (author of DIY: the rise of lo-fi culture), an instant publishing event by students from the Rietveld Academie, a film night by DOT DOT DOT (Amsterdam) and a lecture on Situationism by Sezgin Boynik (Kosovo). Participants in the archive include Dutch publications such as Sloom, DOT DOT DOT, Fucking Good Art, Re-Magazine, Butt, Anti-Strot, Open Issues, and international publications such as WeAreTheArtists (Zurich), Local Folk (Athens), Freier (Berlin), Finger (Frankfurt), Journal of Aesthetics and Protest (Los Angeles), the music label Make It Happen (Stockholm), Pacemaker (Paris), Butter (Vienna), AnArchitektur (Berlin), Control (London), and many more.


Publish and be Damned is organized by Kit Hammonds and Emily Pethick and has been exhibited at Cubitt (London), International 3 (Manchester), Outpost (Norwich), LOT (Bristol) and Display (Prague).

At Casco Publish and be Damned was made possible with support from the Mondriaan Foundation, Gemeente Utrecht and Pro Helvetia.

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