To Live Outside the Law You Must be Honest

Video works by Nicoline van Harskamp which investigate government systems and interpretations of freedom.

9 March–1 April 2007 / Casco HQ

Nicoline van Harskamp’s long-term project To Live Outside the Law You Must be Honest investigates systems of government and interpretations of the notion of freedom.  

The project is comprised of three scripted video works, each performed by the same actor in different roles. The first video is filmed in Christiania, a free town at the center of Copenhagen that was created in the early 70s, which continues to reject the ownership of houses and infrastructure and practise consensus democracy. Informed by interviews with its residents the video addresses issues of self-government and self-policing. The second two works were filmed in London, and are based on interviews with left wing and right wing libertarians who actively campaign against violations of freedom today. In all three works the issues of freedom and participatory democracy are addressed, each drawing very different conclusions.  

A discussion around these ideas will take place on Sunday 1 April, 17.00.Nicoline van Harskamp (b. 1975) lives and works in Amsterdam, where she recently began a residency at the Rijksakademie. Parts of To Live Outside the Law You Must be Honest were produced within the Christiania Researcher in Residence Program, and the work will be shown at Redackija, Belgrade, and Arsenale, Poznan, as well as in her current solo show in Nikolaj CCA, Copenhagen.


To Live Outside the Law You Must be Honest was produced with a grant from the Fonds BKBV Netherlands Foundation for Art, Architecture and Design. The presentation of the work at Casco is generously supported by Gemeente Utrecht and the Mondriaan Foundation.

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