Seed of Memory by Weaving Realities

11 March 2023, 15:00–17:00 / Casco HQ

We invite you to the launch event of the recipe booklet Seed of Memory by Weaving Realities Collective, who have been gathering and reenacting ancestral recipes since 2017. In this launch event, there will be a conversation and a short video about the recipes reenacted in this booklet. We would like to share the booklet with the readers who are in the same search to re-member who we are with living Earth.

Weaving Realities uses art to amplify voices and stories that have been silenced, and to re-member the worlds of meanings that have been erased. The collective departs from ancestral recipes to open a space for learning diverse types of Earth knowledges, which contribute to heal our relation to food, to land, and to the life of others. They have been one of the many artists featuring during our Travelling Farm Museum of Forgotten Skills 2022 Spring Collection exhibition, turning one room into a full installation on food and seeding cycles paying respect to indigenous knowledge. 

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