Climate Justice Code: For artists, art workers, and arts organisations situated in the Global North
by Climate Justice Code working group
The Climate Justice Code invites artists, art workers, and arts organizations to reconcile the values they (re)present with their practices. It proposes that they extend their sense of responsibility towards the (eco)systems they are embedded in to recognise and act on the urgency of climate and environmental breakdown.
Across hierarchies of power, the Code asks for art workers to hold themselves and each other accountable across roles and relations while offering a manual to use creatively towards climate justice. It posits that responses require fundamentally transitioning away from extractive relations and systems through radical forms of action, care, and repair.
More information on the publication and full colophon be found here. The physical version will soon be in bookshops and art institutions in the Netherlands and beyond. To already obtain a copy at our office, please e-mail