Statutes, reports, board structure
The objective of Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons is to contribute to the discourse on the role of contemporary art and design in a broad sense. Its ambition is to function in this both locally, nationally and internationally for professional and non-professional audiences. The foundation aims to achieve its goal by organizing experimental projects by artists and designers. These projects can be diverse in form and are characterized by the exploration of boundaries and connections between visual art, design, design, architecture and relevant theorizing. Casco’s statutes can be found here.
Statutory name: Stichting Casco
Registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number: 41183982
Fiscal number: 009715435
Rabobank IBAN: NL62RABO0166320765
Annual and financial reports can be found here (note: these are written in Dutch).
Casco is governed by a Supervisory Board that includes members related to the various professional fields the institute. The composition of the Supervisory Board takes into account the nature of the foundation, its activities and the relevant desired expertise, diversity, independence and background. The policies of Casco are implemented by a professional team of permanent and freelance staff with an artistic and executive director as the managers and final responsibility, complemented by an advisory cooperative team consisting of members of our global ecosystem. Within the team of permanent and itinerant staff, mutual tasks are divided and work is planned, executed, evaluated and fed back to each other. At least four times a year, the progress of policy and implementation practices are discussed with the Supervisory Board, and accountability, direction and coordination take place. Visit the Team page for its current composition, as well as that of the Supervisory Board.
Consider donating to Casco and help the ecosystem flourish. Your financial contribution of choice, be it €1 or €1000 (any amount is greatly appreciated!) can be sent by immediate bank transfer to Stichting Casco at IBAN NL62RABO016632076 with as subject line ”Donation to Collective Pot”.
Casco is a non-profit cultural foundation with cultural ANBI status. Our donors may deduct their donations from income or corporate taxes. In order to be eligible for the deduction of periodic gifts, the donor and Casco Foundation must document the gift in an agreement. For further contact regarding donations and gifts, please contact
Confidential advisor
Casco, like all other employers, is legally obliged to provide a safe working environment. Safety also includes the prevention of undesirable behavior and the violation of integrity. Alertness to undesirable behavior is therefore necessary in any form of cooperation. Undesirable behavior comes in many forms, and behavior is often experienced differently by all of us. A bad joke, swearing, a short fuse, a direct insult, sometimes unconsciously and at first glance perhaps innocent, but unwanted behavior can cause victims so much stress that they are not only reluctant to come to work but sometimes also drop out due to illness or burnout. Casco is committed to ensuring that undesirable behavior is prevented.
You decide what is undesirable. If someone else’s behavior is undesirable to you, that’s the limit, and it’s important to ask yourself how you want it to stop. Undesirable behavior deviates from the unwritten ‘laws and rules’; is not appropriate for the situation; is intimidating; causes nuisance; is hurtful or offensive; is humiliating; is cross-border; has harmful consequences for the victim. As a rule, undesirable behavior can be described as aggression and violence, bullying, discrimination, racism, or (sexual) harassment, and in many cases, there is a combination of undesirable behavior. Undesirable behavior can cause employees to deal with stress, burnout symptoms, anxiety, PTSD, less production, absenteeism, and long-term absenteeism.
If you work for Casco, as an employee, volunteer, intern or freelancer, encounter inappropriate behavior at work, ask yourself if it can be discussed. Only if it feels like something possible and to your wish, do it with the perpetrator(s) or the manager. State how the behavior affects your feelings and wait for a response. Let the other person respond to your feelings and come up with a solution to stop it. If you find it difficult to take that step, or if you have done so but the undesirable behavior does not stop, you can always contact the external confidential adviser. You can discuss the problem in confidence with the confidential advisor and look for a solution together. The confidential advisor is available to every employee, intern, freelancer, and volunteer who works for Casco, and there are no costs involved (for you as a reporter).
The confidential advisor for Casco is Evelien Heuvel, part of LBIV – Landelijk Buro Integriteit & Vertrouwenspersoon. Contact:
With regard to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Casco takes the position that no personal data is requested (via so-called cookies) and therefore not stored. This also applies to this website. Only the technically necessary and not personal related data that is exchanged during each website visit do their work in the background and are not saved. If you have subscribed to our newsletter, you have given permission in advance that (only) your email address may be used for sending these newsletters and at the bottom of each newsletter you will find the option to terminate the subscription. After termination, your email address will not be saved. The email addresses are not available to third parties and cannot be retrieved.
Annual and financial reports can be found here (note: these are written in Dutch).