4 October 2023, 17:30–19.30 / Casco HQ
RSVP before 27 September via info@terracritica.net (max 20 people)
Optional vegan dinner (contribution 10 euro per person)
After a relaxing summer, ReadingRoom is set for another session of Series Eight. As promised, ReadingRoom will take its engagement with the work of the Club of Rome and the Earth4All initiative into the fall and winter, to think together about their analyses of global economic injustice and increasing ecological devastation. In the last two sessions, parts of Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity (September 2022) were read. In this coming session, this will be combined with a look at the predecessor publication, The Limits of Growth, A Report for the Club of Rome’s Project on the Predicament of Mankind (1972) by Donatella Meadows et al.
Please know it poses no problem at all if you weren’t able to join for any of the previous sessions. ReadingRoom is open to anyone joining at any moment. The session continues to ask what we can learn from these Club of Rome projects and what insights the analyses might offer. Do we hesitate at their macro-economic perspectives, or embrace them? Or both?