Revolution at Point Zero

31 January–1 February 2013 / Casco HQ and Amsterdam

While the Grand Domestic Revolution GOES ON at Contemporary Art Centre, Derry~London Derry, we explore one of the underlying concepts of the GDR, “the commons” in the two-day event entitled Revolution at Point Zero. The notion of “the commons” is Casco’s leitmotif for the 2013-2014 programme and as such we cannot but raise some fundamental questions about it and begin with: What is the commons? How does it differ from the public sphere? Where does this concept emerge? Why do we use it? And where can we find examples of it?


31 January, 19:00–22:00 / Casco (Nieuwekade 213-215), Utrecht 

The first day of the event investigates the definition of the commons with Silvia Federici (New York) and Tine De Moor (Utrecht) as our special guests. Silvia Federici is a teacher, scholar, activist and author of the recently published book Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle. She reconstructs the concept of the commons from the feminist perspective and argues for the collectivisation of housework and other care work, as its basis. Tine De Moor is professor of Institutions for Collective Action in Historical Perspective at the research group Social Economic History of Utrecht University. Her position differs from Federici’s as she distinguishes between the commons and collective actions. Both however agree that our society is at “point zero” and needs to reinvent itself. Here, “the commons” is placed at the center of this demand.  


1 February, 16:00–19:00 (part I) & 20:00–22:00 (part II) / Perdu (Kloveniersburgwal 86), Amsterdam 

Beginning with Federici’s reflection on her involvement with the 1970s movement, Wages for Housework, the second day is split into two parts and reflects on various aesthetic and social practices vis-a-vis the commons and collective actions. Collective initiatives based in the Netherlands are invited to share critical views about their own practices and to share their resources and references in light of the debate and practice of the commons. 

The first part will take place as an intimate gathering. It will take examples from some of the collectives that are affiliated with or that generated within the capacity of the Grand Domestic Revolution: ASK! (Actie Schone Kunsten), Our Autonomous Life?, Werker Magazine and Read-in. After a dinner break the second part continues with a book presentation by Silvia Federici. Together with presentations from Domestic Workers Netherlands, and other political collectives the discussion focuses on reproductive work and labor issues in the realm of the commons. The discussion is moderated by Thijs Witty and co-organized with Stefania Azzarello. 

For the first part of the forum, we kindly request that you share your motivation for joining the event. Please email Yolande van der Heide to share your motivation and for further inquires.  

Silvia Federici’s publication’s Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle are available for purchase during the events at a discounted price. 

*Please note that The Grand Domestic Revolution Catalog launching event is postponed. The detailed schedule will follow soon.


Casco’s programme is realized with support from Gemeente Utrecht and Stichting Doen.

Revolution at Point Zero is realized in the framework of COHAB, a two-year project initiated by Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory, Utrecht; The Showroom, London; and Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm. It is supported by a Cooperation Measures grant from the European Commission Culture 2007-13 Programme.

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