Fueling Precarity

30 April 2016, 14:00–22:00 / Casco HQ

Workshop and Public Program:

Fueling Precarity
14:00–17:00 hrs: workshop (invite only)
19:30–22:00 hrs (public)

The age of the post-war welfare state, in which the state offered some degree of protection and security in exchange for governmental legitimacy, is over. Insecurity is employed to fuel “economic development,” “urban innovation,” or generate “fluidity” in the housing market. Meanwhile, project-based work, flexible contracts, low and irregular wages, and vulnerable living conditions are now standard. In times of isolation and “de-solidarization,” how can we propose new forms of collective living and political agency? What are the chances for organization and solidarity when different precarious groups are successfully pitted against each other and all old socio-economic segments are showing cracks?

A practice-oriented workshop addresses questions such as this with various initiatives and action groups to establish connections and examine if a shared awareness of precarity can make way for social or political organization.

The evening program introduced by organizer Roel Griffioen, further considers precarity and the so-called creative class with presentations by University of Groningen professor and geographer Carla Huisman, poet Frank Keizer, and artists Vermeir & Heiremans who screen their 2015 film MASQUERADE.


Georganiseerd door Roel Griffioen en Abel Heijkamp

Mogelijk gemaakt met financiële steun van het Mondriaan Fonds.

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