ele-gi-eli – a collective sound experiment

By Ari-Pekka Leinonen

11 July 2024, 13:00–15:00 / Casco HQ

Calling all sound enthusiasts: on 11 July, we will welcome Ari-Pekka Leinonen with his collectivity-oriented sound practice that blends sculptural work with communal interplay. His 2023 setup, ele-gi-eli, will transform Casco Art Institute’s office space into a 9-channel sound sculpture that explores the potential of loudspeakers functioning as acoustic diffuser panels that encourage intuitive interaction. As we listen and play with his materials and interface, the artist weaves the results into the format of a radio-play that will later be redistributed through lumbung Radio.

Taking place in the afternoon from 13:00 to 15:00, all interested participants are welcomed to join Ari-Pekka in the process, whilst experienced sonic practitioners close to Casco are present too. Curiosity is enough to join–just come and play!

Ari-Pekka Leinonen specializes in performative sound art installations, utilizing sound projection with multiple loudspeakers. He is also interested in carpentry, creating wooden sculptures from loudspeakers, and exploring how sound systems facilitate movement and sonic storytelling.

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