Narratives and Territories

Part of the Public Program of the exhibition If we remain silent
Wednesday, 11 October 2023, 19:30–21:30 / Casco HQ
Language: Spanish with English subtitles
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Film program organized by Ana Bravo Pérez and Joram Kraaijenveld in collaboration with Cinema Colombiano and the team at Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons.

This film program features three films engaging with various territories in Abya Yala. It expands on the respectful and grateful ways of living with and cultivating the land by peoples to whom their ancestors hand it down. These reciprocal practices have been how these vital life-supporting areas are protected from ecological destruction instigated by international interests. The three films show in different ways how people have become environmental activists and land defenders, struggling against the pressures of ‘development’ projects within economic globalization. By connecting the narratives of environmental activists and land defenders in Colombia, Peru, Brazil, and Honduras, the film program develops an outlook on the international scale of the ecological destruction of the life support systems. Simultaneously, the films show that the causes of the climate crisis affecting the whole planet can be found in the colonial projects exploiting and dispossessing territories in Abya Yala for over five centuries.  

Ngubá is directed by Mar Ajé and Ernestina Miranda (2022, 11’30”) and made with the women of Palenque de San Basilio. Under the radiant sun of the Caribbean region, between laughter and songs, they speak with pride about their work of planting and cultivating the land. 

Siziwa (Dance to keep the planet spinning) (2020, 8’33”) is directed by Rafael Roberto Mojica Gil and made with the Wiwa community who are living in the Magdalena region in the northern part of Colombia. The wise women of the Wiwa people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta show and explain why singing and dancing is a form of communication with the spirits of the universe and a way of giving them back, so there are no imbalances or diseases.

The Illusion of Abundance (2022, 60’) is directed by Erika Gonzalez Ramirez and Matthieu Lietaert. The film tells of the important work by Maxima Acuña in Peru, Berta Cáceres in Honduras, and Carolina de Moura in Brazil. It highlights their enormous contributions to the struggle against harmful transnational corporations, while also shinning light on the construction of solidarity and environmental resistance in the age of globalization.

Cinema Colombiano has been organizing annual editions with Colombian film and music since 2015 at WORM in Rotterdam and Filmhuis Cavia in Amsterdam. More info: 

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