Resourcing for heritage preservation in Palestine with Hiba Omari (RIWAQ)

19 January 2023 / Casco HQ 
18:30 (walk-in), start 19:00 
Language: English

Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons warmly invites you to an evening with Hiba Omari, member of RIWAQ- Centre for Architectural Conservation in Ramallah, Palestine. Hiba Omari will present RIWAQ’s work on preserving Palestinian collective memory through projects that document and restore architectural heritage sites across the West Bank and Gaza.

A discussion between Hiba Omari and Casco’s Marianna Takou will follow on common resources and campaign making for projects within the context of our shared ecosystem  of ecosystems, Arts Collaboratory. The discussion will be open to all participants and there is time for a Q&A at the end of the evening. 

Hiba Omari is the Development Officer of RIWAQ since 2019. She obtained her Master’s degree in Media, Art and Performance Studies from Utrecht University in 2019. She did her Bachelor in Journalism/Political Science at Birzeit University in 2016. A deep interest in and devotion to heritage and cultural productions in Palestine and their relations to political and social transformations characterizes her work.

RIWAQ- Centre for Architectural Conservation based in Ramallah was set in motion in 1991 when a group of enthusiasts came together in an organized effort to save historic buildings in Palestine. RIWAQ’s mission is to protect, restore, and rehabilitate the architectural and cultural heritage in Palestine through its main programs: the Restoration Program, the Regeneration of the 50 Most Significant Historic Centers, and the Community and Cultural Program. RIWAQ contributes to the production and dissemination of knowledge about heritage through its Research and Publications Program including the Registry of Historic Buildings in Palestine, and works, in collaboration with other actors, on building a conducive institutional and legal environment.

Casco and RIWAQ are members of Arts Collaboratory, a translocal ecosystem consisting of 25 diverse organisations around the world focused on art practices, processes of social change, and working with broader communities beyond the field of art. In AC’s ecosystem knowledge and strengths are brought together and harvested in processes of collective organization. It is a radical experiment in exploring the potentiality of art and social transformation.

Image description: two children playing nearby a cultural heritage site in Palestine. Credit: RIWAQ.


This program is made possible with financial support by Stichting DOEN via Arts Collaboratory.

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