What’s left to its own devices (On reclamation)

An exhibition speculative displacement machines and functional proposals by Dave Hullfish Bailey that ask basic questions about public space.

5 June–15 July 2007 / Casco HQ
Exhibition opening 2 June, 18:00–20:00

Based on detailed research into the city of Utrecht, What’s left to its own devices (On reclamation) uses nonlinear heuristic methods and experimental webs of information to draw links between the cities of Utrecht, and Slab City, California, USA. The outcome is a series of speculative displacement machines and functional proposals that ask basic questions about public space, conceived as a physical and/or conversational sphere: how are these produced? To what ends might they be colonized? How do they intersect the realization of personal freedoms? And how might ambiguous or unstable positions be opened up between them and “private” spheres of thought or deed? 

Dave Hullfish Bailey is based in Los Angeles. Recent exhibitions include Secession, Vienna, Santa Monica, Barcelona, both 2006, upcoming exhibitions include the Lyon Biennial. Casco produced a new book leading out from this project and other works. If you are interested in this publication, do feel free to send an email to info@casco.art to check availability.

Manual Intuition and Makeshift Fashion 
Workshop 23–24 June 
An ad-hoc library of do-it-yourself books and manuals is the starting point for a collaborative public workshop. Participants are invited to improvise various devices that divide, expand or re-purpose their living/social spaces. Basic tools and materials provided; donations to library or workshop welcome.


Dave Hullfish Bailey’s project has been kindly supported by the America Center Foundation, Gemeente Utrecht, and the Mondriaan Foundation.

Special thanks to the following people to their help in the research, development and production of this project:

Research and production:
Leonie Hangoor, Zac Montanaro, Sybren Renema, Aafke Weller

Michael Klinkenberg, Menno van den Berg

Local advice:
Renger de Bruin, Professor Dr. Gerrit Jansen, Jaap de Jong, Daniël Kok, Peter Kramer, Jan Smorenburg, Mark Westra, WOT Werkgroep OntwikkelingsTechnieken (www.wot.utwente.nl)

Shanna Wanders, Erik van der Kwast

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