Using art as an imaginative and generative lens, Casco joined C4R (Cultures 4 Resilience) to empower the marginalized, and contribute to alternative modes of living and working together as a society. The project takes on participatory resilient cultural practices such as urban agriculture, housing, data management, and many others, and aims to learn from these activities, developing commoned tools for free distribution and use alike. The C4R project was initiated in collaboration with Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée, AAA/Paris,, and NetHood in 2020. Kicking off with a series of seminars in 2021, the project shall see itself unfolding through workshops, publishing and residencies to research and promote resilient culture practices and tools. Read more about the collaborative project here.
The industry and services that currently sustain cities are responsible for a large part of global greenhouse gas emissions and social inequality. In the face of the climate crisis, the adaptive response of cities thus plays a crucial role to combat its catalysing negative effects on the local level, contributing to solving global issues at stake. By adopting responses that are built with the people, and for the people, cities can choose to tread new resilient paths, transforming towards cities for the commons.